English Shepherd et al

furry friends

paw Caren Ginsberg

paw Kathi Tesarz

paw Kim Lysinger

paw Marie Held

paw Christman-Shehee

paw Michele Lane

paw Micki Bleily

paw Nancy Keefe

paw Nancy Putnam

paw Randi Pyke

paw Sue Lesly

paw Jan Hilborn

paw Mary Waugh

paw Pat Ritz

paw Jennifer Rohling

paw Marianne Dwight

paw Mark Mickelinc

paw Joan Crews

paw Sharlene Marchette

paw Anne Fredrich

paw Deanna Lammie

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Jessey and Shelley in VA 1999
Jessey and Shelley in Virginia, October 99.
It took my daughter a year to research and talk me into getting a dog. We confirmed, from the friendly ES list, that this breed is intelligent, loyal and loving. This list has also taught me what it takes to give the English Shepherd a good home. English Shepherds et al is dedicated to the ES people who listen, share, and reach out to others on the list.

When I first said yes to having a dog, I thought this would be a breed that I would “probably like.” That was an understatement! Two years later we have adopted our second English Shepherd rescue. They are my companions to say the least.

Jessey was found on the side of a highway. She had been abused and abandoned. She was filthy, pregnant and malnourished. She was in a foster home in Florida when I found her on the internet with the National English Shepherd Rescue. She is my English Shadow.

Kelley’s first “family” left her chained to the porch without food or water as they packed up and moved away. I found her on the internet in Nebraska at the HUA Shelter. She is a bubbly ray of sunshine!

paw Jessey

Kelley paw


National English Shepherd Rescue

English Shepherd Organization

Hearts United of America

paw | Caren Ginsberg | Kathi Tesarz | Kim Lysinger | Marie Held | paw

Christman-Shehee | Michele Lane | Micki Bleily | Nancy Keefe

Nancy Putnam | Randi Pyke | Sue Lesly | Jan Hilborn | Mary Waugh

Marianne Dwight | Pat Ritz | Jennifer Rohling | Mark Mickelinc

Joan Crews | Sharlene Marchette | Anne Fredrich | Deanna Lammie

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paw | Jessey | Kelley | paw


Copyright © ~ revised June 1, 2000